Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So here I am

I really need to practice writing more. I read a lot of books. So it occurred to me that I could combine the two and earn a little account credit at Amazon by writing and posting book reviews regularly. I had thought about aiming for a review a day, but I don't read a book a day and not all of the books I read deserve a review anyhow. So I'll say that I'm going to shoot for at least one a week and see what happens.

 Look for the first one maybe even before the end of this week, and definitely by next week.


Michael said...

Fr, if you had to recommend just one of the two books you mentioned in your previous post, (Time for God or Prayer Primer) which would you most strongly recommend? Could you even recommend one over the other?

... and I notice they both have Kindle editions!

Fr. Horton said...

I might recommend one over the other depending on what I knew about a person, but as a general recommendation I think I would go with Time for God.

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